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Data as enabler,
People at the Center

VIZ-DOM is dedicated to democratizing data, while providing continuous value, hence placing people back in the center of decision-making.


VIZualize intuitively, turning business knowledge into wisDOM

01. Scope & Plan

Invest time upfront to identify use case value-to-be-generated, which in turns informs the development of a deployment plan.

02. Iterate & Rescope

Change is constant and it should be positive! We iterate, inform, and reprioritize to fit dynamic business situations.

03. Scale & Optimize

Existing products are shamelessly repurposed, saving on development costs. Useful features are added while others are retired.


Do what you do,

Tools, reporting suites, and dashboards oh my!
Our mission is to help you do what you do, better. We'll never sell you an add-on or service that doesn't make sense, just to make a few more coins. We're interested in helping you do business ... better.




Located in the heart of Europe in Munich, Germany. We're open to travel and meeting in-person, but mainly work remotely (adapting to your time zone).


You need more time conducting business and less time wrangling with your data: we apply our visual wisdom to enable you to do what you do, better.


Wisdom comes in all shapes and sizes, and so do we: we are platform agnostic, and continuously learning

Green Satin

Stélios Alvarez

VIZ-DOM Founder

“Data is the new gold, our path to riches!"


If only it were that easy! We use our expertise to mine data nuggets, which we artfully craft into coins you can use to run your business better.

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Get a Demo

Schedule a free introductory session with one of our experts.


We'll get to know your specific needs and figure out how we can help!


©2025 BY VIZ-DOM GmbH

Jakob-Klar-Straße 4, 80796 München, Deutschland

Geschäftsführer: Stélios Alvarez

Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE363647329
Amtsgericht: Amtsgericht München, HRB 285162

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